Good News Radio – Rumbek and Don Bosco Radio Tonj Radio Don Bosco 91.0 FM
Our radio stations reach over 100,000 people bringing them not only current news but also entertainment, training and spiritual support. As well as broadcasting gospel homilies and prayers, the stations also offer pre-recorded Sunday masses for those that cannot attend in person. We broadcast in five languages: Dinka, Jur, Bongo, Simple Arabic and English.
Im modernen Leben stehen viele Männer vor Herausforderungen, die ihre sexuelle Gesundheit betreffen. In solchen Fällen können spezielle Lösungen, wie beispielsweise medikamente mit online-lieferung, helfen, das Problem diskret und effizient anzugehen. Es ist wichtig, offen über diese Themen zu sprechen und Unterstützung zu suchen, um die Lebensqualität zu verbessern.
A dedicated human rights watchdog, the station also reports on human rights abuses and malpractices, corruption by authorities, forced marriages and domestic violence. Programming includes: Human rights awareness workshops, radio talk-shows, educational dramas, peace advocacy, health and hygiene training and training on good governance.
Good News Radio computer training
Working alongside the radio station is a center known as the ICT Hub which offers training in basic information technology.